Retraite de pâtisserie toscane de The White Cottage Bakery (octobre 2024)

à partir de 1600 € par personne
Dimanche 20 octobre 2024 - Samedi 26 octobre

Toscane en automne. Les grains seront récoltés, les raisins vendangés, les cèpes butinés et les olives lourdes sur le rameau. Rejoignez-nous pour 5 jours (6 nuits) de pâtisserie dans l'ancienne cuisine du château de Potentino. En utilisant des ingrédients de saison des collines environnantes et des céréales antichi (patrimoine) locales, nous préparerons ensemble les pains régionaux traditionnels d'Italie.

En travaillant avec une variété de céréales différentes, de la farine ultra-fine de grano tenero au blé dur dur du sud de l'Italie, nous préparerons des pains, des biscotti salés et une variété de pasticceria sucrées préférées. Et bien sûr, il faut faire des pâtes fraîches !

Votre semaine comprendra :

Fabrication de pains régionaux, tels que Pane Toscano, schiacciata, Pane Pugliese, tarallini, ciamballe et rondelle, à l'aide d'un biga traditionnel et de céréales antichi cultivées localement.

Visite d'un moulin à eau voisin, qui produit encore de la farine moulue sur pierre pour la région.

Fabrication de cantuccini et de biscotti avec un artisan local en visite.

Préparer des pâtes dans la cuisine du château avec des œufs frais Potentino et de l'huile d'olive.

Dégustation de vins, charcuteries et huiles d'olive du domaine et de la région.

Fabrication du pecorino et de la ricotta avec les fromagers dont les moutons paissent sur les collines locales.

Cueillette d'olives et recherche d'herbes sauvages.

Visite en milieu de semaine (et baignade possible) des sources chaudes et journée de visites et de détente.

L'automne est une période merveilleuse à Potentino, lorsque les récoltes sont rassemblées et que les cuisines regorgent de produits de saison qui ne demandent qu'à être consommés ou conservés. Venez nous rejoindre en ce moment spécial, apprenez les techniques de pâtisserie italienne traditionnelles et partagez avec nous la glorieuse générosité de la nature.

Helen Underwood is an award-winning artisan baker, recipe developer and food writer who has specialised in sourdough for many years. She has been teaching at the White Cottage Baking School in Cambridgeshire, UK, for the past ten years where students from around the world come to attend her workshops. She has taught chefs, bakers and keen amateurs throughout the UK and Europe the sheer joy of breadmaking; bringing together the simplest and most fundamental of ingredients and turning them, with nothing but a pair of skilful hands, into something wondrous. 

She believes in using locally grown grain and ingredients, where possible, and the importance of improvisation, making for a fluid and flexible approach to her baking. Her background as a scientist is always evident, giving her students greater confidence in their own understanding and abilities. Her mission, she says, is to remove the mystery from what can appear an arcane craft and make it a simple, everyday skill that can be enjoyed by all. 

Day 1 (Sunday)

Guests arrive pm

Early evening    Welcome drinks

Wine tasting with Charlotte

Day 2 (Monday)

Morning:          Talk on Italian grains, flour and the importance and
tradition of bread within Italy.

Make schiacciata, Tuscan-style focaccia, to be baked for lunch later in week.

Make ricciarelli dough and refrigerate.

Afternoon:        Visit grounds to pick grapes for grape must.

Make pane Toscano loaves to refrigerate and bake on
day 3.

Bake ricciarelli.

Make grape must, ready to make starter on day 3.

Day 3 (Tuesday)

Morning           Feed grape must, to begin Potentino starter.

Bake pane Toscano from fridge to eat for lunch.

Make pane Pugliese and ‘pucce’, incorporating the semolina from grano duro.

Talk on ancient grains, their place in history, their resurgence today
and their advantages over their modern-day counterparts.

Lunch: featuring pane Toscano, salumi, roasted vegetables & Potentino olive oil.

Afternoon         Visit to Hot Springs/waterfalls/explore grounds

Early evening    Make tarallini for aperitivi

Day 4 (Wednesday) RECREATION DAY

Morning           Bake pane Pugliese

Make pecorino and fresh ricotta with Francesca and Lorenzo from Caseificio Murceti.

Lunch: featuring pane Pugliese with Caseificio Murceti local cheeses

Afternoon         Visit to Castel del Piano

Early pm           Make Charlotte’s gnudi with fresh ricotta


Day 5 (Thursday)

Morning           Talk on sourdough, ‘lievito madre’: its tradition
dating back to Roman times and beyond, its maintenance and its health benefits within the modern diet.

Make sourdough loaves, using our own starter, and flour from local grains.

Bake schiacciata (from fridge) for lunch.

Afternoon         Bake mini rondelle all’uva, using our grapes and
Potentino grappa – a perfect accompaniment to our evening aperitivi!

Bake cantuccini con mandorle e finochio.

Day 6 (Friday)

Morning           Bake our sourdough loaves that have proved for 24 hours.

Honey tasting/olive oil tasting or olive picking

Afternoon         Pasta session.

Make and shape fresh pasta to enjoy for our final
supper together

Make castagnaccio with locally milled chestnut flour


Day 7 (Saturday)

Morning           Breakfast



Please note: Whilst the retreat will
broadly follow the order outlined here, the programme may change in either detail or order during the week.

Please Note

If you would like to pay a deposit

The payment system asks for payment in full. If you would rather pay a non-refundable 25% deposit at the time of booking, please enter the code DEPOSIT25 at checkout. The final payment will be due one month before the start of the course.

If you have any issues booking

Sometimes, it takes a few attempts to clear the cart if you need to make any changes to your room selection etc. 

If you have any issues at all, please contact Alexander Greene +393482881637

Retraite de pâtisserie toscane de The White Cottage Bakery (octobre 2024)

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