
Nearest airports are Pisa (2hrs 15 minutes), Florence Peretola (2hrs 30 minutes), Perugia (2hrs 15 minutes, but difficult driving) Rome Fiumicino (3hrs) and Rome Ciampino (3 hrs 30 minutes)

By Car

We recommend that people coming to Potentino come by car as it gives the maximum amount of freedom and there are no local taxi services on Monte Amiata.

Electric Vehicles

We have two chargers for Electric Vehicles, one for Teslas and one for other cars which are free to use for guests.

WARNING When coming to Potentino, please note that the road from Montegiovi is a difficult strada bianca (gravel road) and it is easy to get lost, particularly in the hours of darkness. We recommend arriving from Seggiano unless you are used to the roads.

Train Stations

Grosseto is the nearest mainline station (50 minutes by car) although Chiusi/Chianciano Terme is also an option. There are also nearer stations at Buonconvento and Paganico but the trains are infrequent and transport can be difficult to arrange from there. Train timetables are available here.

Taxis And Private Cars

There are usually taxis available at Grosseto station. They should cost about €120-€150. If you would like us to organise a private car, we can do so.


Buses can be found to our local towns Seggiano and Castel del Piano from Grosseto train station. The timetable is available at Tiemme SPA.

By Helicopter

We are also able to arrange helicopter landings at Potentino. Please contact us in advance to arrange this.